MetaTrader 5 Web Platform Officially Goes Live with Market Depth Feature - Finance Magnates

Photo: Finance Magnates
MetaQuotes has officially released its latest MetaTrader 5 web platform with the company highlighting the market depth display feature. The feature was not available in the beta version of the platform. The launch comes after the company has already deployed its web solution for the MetaTrader 4 suite, already implemented by a big number of brokerages.
The MetaTrader 5 solution is aiming at ECN type of execution and is allowing access to a multitude of exchanges.
MetaTrader 5 Web supports a full list of assets including FX, stocks, futures and CFDs. The platform is available across multiple browsers and operating systems including Windows, Mac and Linux. The need to install the application is eliminated, however the functionality of MT5 Web is not as powerful as the desktop equivalent.

Market Depth on the web-based MetaTrader 5, Source: MetaTrader 5 Web
Just like on the desktop platform, MetaTrader 5 Web supports netting and hedging accounting systems for the convenience of traders and brokers alike. The platform shows the depth of the market and has 3 chart types across 9 timeframes. The web-based software solution currently supports 31 indicators and 23 graphical objects for technical analysis.
The multi-market support of the MetaTrade 5 platform has been one of its key features with the platform strongly upgrading on the capabilities of its predecessor. MetaQuotes recently committed to the 5th generation of its platform, updating it with one of the most demanded features, hedging and netting.
Commenting on the announcement, the CEO of MetaQuotes, Renat Fatkhullin, said: ”We currently see the explosive growth in the popularity of desktop MetaTrader 5 with support for hedging. We expect the web version of the product to spark similar excitement, since it is an excellent opportunity for traders to try the most advanced platform on the market by simply opening a new browser tab.”
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Equipped with hedging option, MetaTrader 5 gains popularity - SMN Weekly (blog)

After a number of improvements on MetaTrader 5 have been made in the past few months, the platform receives positive feedback and gains more popularity among both forex brokers and traders.
MT5 has been standing in the shadow of MT4 for a long time, as it lacked some of MT4 features, such as hedging option. Since the beginning of May the platform has undergone many enhancements: a new web-based beta version of MT5 was launched, available via any browser and operating system;  new certificates for advanced security connection were also introduced; the much anticipated hedging system of position accounting was launched at the end of March.  MetaQuotes is aware of the fact that the key to success is to follow an meet the needs of clients.
As a result, the fifth generation platform developed by MetaQuotes has already received positive feedback and the company expects more market participants to switch to MT5. RoboForex, Alpari, FX Choice and other companies, such as Solid Financial Services, recently launched the MetaTrader 5 trading platform with the hedging option. The interest in MT5 has been sparked among exchanges as well.
Russia’s largest forex broker, Alpari, has registered a significant growth of the number of new accounts. This confirms that forex traders actively use hedging and prefer brokers offering such an opportunity.
Boris Shilov, Chief Executive Officer of Alpari, commented “In May 2016, MetaQuotes has released the long-awaited MetaTrader 5 platform version with bidirectional trading. This feature is familiar to most traders and maximizes the number of available strategies. Alpari has been the first one to offer the platform version on the market. Our clients are satisfied with the high speed of order execution, while we are satisfied with the increasing number of newly opened accounts. I believe that MetaTrader 5 is a worthy alternative to highly popular MetaTrader 4, and I am sure that MetaTrader 5 will become the key platform for our clients worldwide“.
The MT5 platform supports trading in forex, contracts for difference (CFDs), options, futures, and equities trading instruments. Unlike its predecessor – the MT4, the MT5 features functions for stock market traders. The platform allows the execution of orders in several financial markets and stock exchanges through a single trading account. The MT5 platform differs from the previous version in its more progressive algorithms for processing client operations and execution speed.
MT5 trading is included in the offering of forex brokers Alpari, FXChoice, Exness, FXTM, IC Markets, RoboForex, Admiral Markets, FiboGroup, Pepperstone, etc.

MetaTrader 5: arriva la versione web. Novità e caratteristiche -

MetaTrader 5: arriva la versione web. Novità e caratteristiche
Nasce la versione web ufficiale della MetaTrader 5, come annunciato dalla sua creatrice, MetaQuotes. La MetaTrader 5, piattaforma di trading online, è ora disponibile in via ufficiale per il web e completamente live grazie ala finestra “market depth”, una lista aggiornata in tempo reale sulle quotazioni in acquisto e in vendita in ordine di prezzo.
MetaQuotes ha finalmente annunciato il lancio della versione web di MetaTrader 5, che permetterà fare trading su qualsiasi sistema operativo senza dover effettuare il download del programma.
MetaTrader è la piattaforma di trading creata da MetaQuotes sempre più utilizzata a livello mondiale, tanto che molti trader non riescono più a farne a meno, soprattutto per la sua semplicità di utilizzo.
La caratteristica più importante di questo aggiornamento è l’introduzione della schermata “market depth”, elemento che distingue la MetaTrader 5 web dalla sua versione beta. Il lancio avviene dopo che la compagnia ha già proposto la sua soluzione web per la suite MetaTrader 4, già implementata dalla maggior parte dei broker.
MetaTrader 5 Web: le novità
MetaTrader 5 punta all’esecuzione ECN e permette l’accesso ad un gran numero di trades. MetaTrader 5 web supporta lista completa di asset su cui tradare, inclusi Forex, azioni, futures e CFD. La piattaforma è disponibile e funzionante su diversi browser e sistemi operativi come Windows, Mac e Linux. Non bisogna più installare necessariamente l’applicazione, anche se le funzionalità di MetaTrader web non sono potenti come quelle della versione desktop.
Caratteristiche di MetaTrader 5 Web
Proprio come accade sulla piattaforma scaricata, la MetaTrader 5 Web supporta sia netting che l’hedging. La piattaforma mostra in profondità cosa sta accadendo sul mercato ed offre 3 diversi tipi di grafici su 9 timeframe. Questa nuova versione web del software MetaTrader 5 include 31 indicatori e fino a 23 oggetti grafici per l’analisi tecnica.
L’interfaccia multi-mercato della MetaTrade 5 è una delle sue caratteristiche principali e ciò che la differenzia di più dalla MetaTrade 4.
In un commento in merito all’annuncio ufficiale della MetaTrader 5 Web, il CEO di MetaQuotes, Renat Fatkhullin, ha affermato:
“Attualmente stiamo osservando un grande aumento della popolarità della MetaTrader 5 versione desktop con il supporto per l’attività di hedging. Ci aspettiamo che la versione web provochi lo stesso entusiasmo dato che è un’eccellente opportunità per i trader di provare la più avanzata piattaforma sul mercato, semplicemente aprendo una nuova scheda del browser”.

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